One day there are 2 colors that
are talking, they are the red and the yellow. They discuss what can be formed
from them? In a corner of the room ..
Red : Yellow, I've
been thinking about something..
Yellow : What are you
thinking about?
Red : Yeah, I wanna
make something from ourselves?
Yellow : What are you
mean ?
Red : If we
combine, what will happen?
Yellow : uhmmm.. I don’t know Red :3
Red : I think we
can do that, what do you think?
Yello : ehm, ok I’ll try..
Finally red and yellow were set
aside part of his body to be combined. The result is ..
Yellow : aaaa.. who’re
Orange : ehmm...
Red : Yellow are
we success?
Yellow : I don’t
think so, but Red, who’s that?
Red : aaa? We’re
succeed Yellow..
Orange : ehmm.. are you
creating me?
Red : of course
you’re right!
Orange : ehmm.. who am
Yellow : I guess we
must give you a name?
Red : yeahh..
but his body like the color of the Orange fruit. How if we call his Orange?
Yellow : aaa good
idea. Ok now you’re name is Orange.
Orange : yeaaahh I’m
Orange, nice to meet you Red, Yellow..
Red : Nice to
meet you..
Yellow : Nice to meet
you too..
Red, Yellow, Orange become a bestfriend. Wherever they’re always together.. Sometimes
Red get ideas to combine itself with Yellow and Orange to add some friends,
until many colors formed.
The End
Let's combine together imi :D
BalasHapusahiii it's ok :D
Hapusaloha ismi^^
BalasHapusso, is it the history of color? #just ask *aja aja hwaiting
(visit and put your comments on
awkakkwa i don't think so, i just got an idea when i see color. wkwkwk :3
Hapusthe legent of orange :D
BalasHapusdon't forget to visit and put your comment on
hahaha absurd story :3